

The second project at CR games I worked on was firestar. This involved revamping one of their older games called firestar and learn the procedures that take to implement a slot machine game.

Finding three in a row

The game already had the majority of the code implemented and my first task was to write the system to find three symbols in a row in different configurations. To do this I assigned each symbol a value from an enum and iterated through each configuration (stored as an array of 3 index) to find three symbols in a row. Was I wrote this I was then shown a faster implementation involving binary masks however it was only faster when check was put in which was if the first two symbols weren’t the same then dont check the third one.


One the three in the row was done I had to implement a nudges system. This system entailed finding if once there was a three in a row close to final position once a spin was done. If there was then the reels needed to be moved (nudged) by the player to get the three in the row. This system invloved taking my minimax implementation from connect 4 and repurposing it so that it performed a depth first search in finding the nearest three in a row. Was this was done I was then informed to automate the nudges instead of the user nudging it themselves.

Project Details

Date: Jul 15, 2019

Author: Evan Diamond

Categories: project

Tagged: C++, Internship



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