Deity: Become One

Deity: Become One - A physics platformer, based of the film ExMachina

This game is inspired by the themes of playing god and manipulation shown within the film Exmachina. In the game you play as a square in a neon world completing platforming puzzles by chainging the properties of yourself and the envrioment like you are a god. These include:

  1. Double Jump
  2. Dashing
  3. Changing height and width
  4. Changing the direction of the gravity in the world


This game had many features including

  1. Mutiple types of bosses
  2. A basic walking enemy
  3. Moving Platforms.
  4. Momentum based movement
  5. Icy/Slippery Platforms

Game modes

This game had two game modes in it:

  1. A story mode where players progress through 14 levels evading bosses and gaining their powers. (The abilities mentioned above)
  2. A custom level builder and player. Players could create their own puzzles and then proceed to playe them. This also came in useful for creating the story levels.



Click on the image to see a video of some of the gameplay within the game

Project Details

Date: Feb 23, 2019

Author: Evan Diamond

Categories: project

Tagged: C++, ASGE, Low Level Programming



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University of the West of England,
Frenchay Campus, Bristol, BS16 1QY,
United Kingdom.