1 min
Our groups ideas for the Ex-Machina game As a group we went through a bunch of ideas of what we wanted to do with this theme. These included:
A game similar to Papers Please except with trying to discover if people are human or a robot (Turing Test) We didn’t do this because we couldn’t find an easy we do differentiate the robots from the humans in harder levels.
A maze escape game where you play as a robot trying to escape the laborotory. We didn’t do this because we felt it was too generic and lots of other groups doing the same project would do this. Edit: Which they did
A game where you started as a child and grew up over time with the decisions you make effected you later life We didn’t do this because we felt it would be too difficult to get right and it didn’t link too well with the theme
A physics platformer were you can act like a god and manipulate yourself and the surrounding enviroment such as flipping gravity. We went with this idea because it’s fits nicely with the theme and has lots of potential.
The game will be written in ASGE, a basic framework built on top of OpenGL [hampden]: https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll
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