Don't Walk By - 9

Don't Walk By - 9

Mar 19, 2020. | By: Evan Diamond
1 min

The ninth CGD blog post about Don’t Walk By


This week I linked the poi system to the rest of the level as well as a couple of updates to the ai script.

Scene POI

The level editor system now has a new edition of setting what props (chair, ladder, vending machine, etc) are POI as well as their maxPawnCount and poi type. With this, I removed the gameobjects that were used as temporary POI’s and updated to use a new system. This system entailed going through each tile on the grid getting its prop and it’s poi data, then adding the PoiPoint script to the prop and setting the scripts values to it’s respective data.

Scene poi

Ai script updates

  1. Fixed a bug with the ai’s speed not being set correctly
  2. Added a getter for the PoiType the ai was currently at/going to. This is needed for the animation system.


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