Don't Walk By - 3

Don't Walk By - 3

Feb 6, 2020. | By: Evan Diamond
1 min

The third CGD blog post about Don’t Walk By


This week I made adjustments to my touch manager system.

Touch Manager Adjustments

I changed it so that the touches were added and removed from the system based on the touches phase. If the touch has just been pressed down then a raycast would be used to detect the gameobjects it was touching add them to a dictionary. Similarly when a touch is lifted up a ray is fired to see what gameobject it was touching and remove them from the dictionary. If a touch was held down then a ray would be fired to see what it was touching and if what is was touching was not the same then the dictionary would be updated accordingly. I also made it in this touch phase update the stored positions of the touches. This produced much more cleaner dragging of gameobject which is a major use of the touch manager.

Drag Demo

Touch manager Wrappers

I also added a extra functionality to the touchmanager with more wrapper functions for uses to detect whether a touch has just pressed down, lifted up or stayed down, with overloads to get either the position of the touch or the touch itself.


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